oleh RP. Aurelius Pati Soge, SVD Dipresentasi pada hari studi para imam se Kevikepan Kepulauan…
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Second Year of the Laity in Hong Kong in 2012 to Stress Basic Ecclesial Communities (BECs)
by adminby adminAfter a year of positive experience, His Exc. Mgr. John Tong, Bishop of Hong…
Asian NewsEpiskopalTelling about AsIPA
Priests’ Workshop for Developing Small Christian Communities in Korea
by adminby adminBy CBCK News The Catholic Pastoral Institute of Korea (CPIK) whose Director is Bishop Peter…
Asian NewsEpiskopalTelling about AsIPA
Basic Ecclesial Communities (BECs) Primary Places for the New Evangelization, Cardinal Tagle Says
by adminby adminAccording to the Archbishop of Manila BECs are “an expression of a renewed church”…
Asian NewsEpiskopalTelling about AsIPA
Bishops Pledge to Strengthen the Small Christian Communities (SCCs) in India
by adminby adminBangalore, India, 9 February, 2015 (CCBI via CNUA). The week-long assembly of the Conference of…
AsIPA ResourcesOpiniTelling about AsIPA
Small Christian Communities The Fundamental Paradigm of the Church
by adminby adminBy Bishop Peter Kang, Bishop of Cheju Diocese, South Korea Presented at the Exposure…
OpiniTelling about AsIPA
A New Way of Being Church in Today’s World? Insights from the Documents of the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences (FABC)
by adminby adminDr Jonathan Y. Tan, Senior Lecturer, School of Theology, ACU this article taken from: https://www.columban.org.au…