According to the Archbishop of Manila BECs are “an expression of a renewed church”…
Telling about AsIPA
Asian NewsEpiskopalTelling about AsIPA
Bishops Pledge to Strengthen the Small Christian Communities (SCCs) in India
by adminby adminBangalore, India, 9 February, 2015 (CCBI via CNUA). The week-long assembly of the Conference of…
AsIPA ResourcesOpiniTelling about AsIPA
Small Christian Communities The Fundamental Paradigm of the Church
by adminby adminBy Bishop Peter Kang, Bishop of Cheju Diocese, South Korea Presented at the Exposure…
OpiniTelling about AsIPA
A New Way of Being Church in Today’s World? Insights from the Documents of the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences (FABC)
by adminby adminDr Jonathan Y. Tan, Senior Lecturer, School of Theology, ACU this article taken from:…
Telling about AsIPA
Small Christian Communities in Kenya as the Perfect Base for Charity, Prayer and Mercy
by adminby adminBy Moses Murrira Muttai this article taken from : Introduction From the very beginning…