- “Quae maiori”: Erection of the Eparchy of Bahir Dar-Dessie in Ethiopia (19 January 2015), [ Latin ]
- “Multum fructum”: Erection of the Metropolitan Church of Asmara in Eritrea (19 January 2015). [ Latin ]
- “Cum ad provehendam”: Erection of the new Diocese of Kuzhithurai in India (22 December 2014). [ Latin ]
- “Inter eximias”: Erection of the Ecclesiastical Province of Dodoma in Tanzania (6 November 2014). [ Latin ]
- “Contemplationi faventes”: new territorial configuration of the new ecclesiastical circumscription “Territorial Abbey of Montecassino” and of the diocese of Sora-Aquino-Pontecorvo (23 October 2014). [ Latin ]
- “Undecim abhinc annos”: the Apostolic Prefecture of Makokou (Gabon) has been raised to the rank of Apostolic Vicariate (11 July 2014). [ Latin ]
- “Ad totius dominici gregis”: restructuring of the Ecclesiastical Province of Cuiabá (Brazil)(25 June 2014). [ Latin ]
- “Christi voluntate”: Erection of the Diocese of Izcalli in Mexico (9 June 2014). [ Latin ]
- “Quo aptius”: Erection of the Eparchy of the Imaculada Conceição in Prudentópolis of the Ukrainians (12 May 2014). [ Latin ]
- “Attenta deliberatione”: The Eparchy of São João Batista in Curitiba of the Ukrainians in Brazil has been raised to Metropolitan Archeparchy (12 May 2014). [ Latin ]
- “Cum ad aeternam”: Erection of the Diocese of Sultanpet in India (28 December 2013). [ Latin ]
- “Patrimonium Ecclesiarum”: Erection of the Apostolic Exarchate for the Eastern Catholic rite Maronite faithful resident in Western and Central Africa, in Ibadan, Nigeria (23 December 2013). [ Latin ]
- “Quo aptius spirituali”: Erection in Australia of the Eparchy of St. Thomas the Apostle of Melbourne of the Syro-Malabars (23 December 2013). [ Latin ]
- “Quo firmiores”: Establishment of an Apostolic Nunciature in the Republic of South Sudan (1 May 2013). [ Latin ]